Name: Celesse
Jean-Marie Chandonnet
(Seh-less /
Zhan-Mahree / Shan-doe-nay)
- Age: 31, appears younger
- Gender Identity: Cis Woman
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Madame of Cafe Lapin
- French. Black
Celesse belongs to a race of rabbit people - The Hanafelle. These specific race of hybrids have rabbit like features - except small flower blossoms grow from their hair and the fur of their tails. They possess rabbit ears of all lengths and sizes as well. Most Hanafelle are well versed in plant and flora knowledge and magic.Celesse is the owner of a floral themed cafe where she serves both desserts and drinks made with edible flowers. She also offers magically made items as well with different effects.Her privately owned Cafe Lapin (Cafe Rabbit in french) has a mixed theme of pink and floral - her silverware, plates and glasses tend to have tiny rabbit imprints on them to keep in line with its name. Plenty of pink floral drinks and desserts are offered - baked by either her or her small team of professional bakers. The cafe acts akin to what you may find in plenty of fictional settings – the welcoming cafe / inn with the doting owner. Fresh food and drink at the easy for any weary traveler.***due to her being a cafe owner, it can be set in both modern and non modern times, acting as a cafe, tavern, or something similar depending on another character **
There was one of my kin
(of another day)
When the Riddle of Life
defied her powers,
And her fretted heart rebelled,
would say,
“I will go out and look
at the flowers.”
Commissioned art from strawmariecake.
Standing at 5’6” minus the height of her ears; the rabbit eared woman is of average height. Her body type is easily coke bottle shaped, a delicate waist coupled with a large bust and wide hips and thighs. Due to her species physically aging slower than the average human, she looks rather youthful for being in her mid 30s. She has a soft, delicate visage. Large doe eyes with full lips and brows that are seemingly always drawn in to sort of a sweet gesture. Mocha colored skin is dotted with freckles across her nose and cheeks.The rabbit is the proud owner of soft, white fluffy hair, loose waves frame her face, a tuft of white bang falls over her forehead. Tiny cherry blossoms grow within the hair, as well as the rabbit tail that sits atop the curve of her backside.Two large, rabbit ears adorn the top of her head, often standing up or flopped over rather cutely.
art by johdaa_
Cèlesse is extremely sweet, possessing an outward appearance of a nurturing, caring individual. Motherly in nature. Having no children of her own, she is more than adamant about taking those she deems in need of care under her wing. She is hardly naive, opting to see the good in near everyone until proven otherwise.She is attentive, observant, and a good listener - opting to let others lean on her rather than talking about herself. A cheery disposition, those around the rabbit are naturally drawn in. Gentle in words and actions, there is not a time anyone could point to where the woman had raised her tone at someone.In fact, when she is genuinely angry or upset, her demeanor tends to become scolding, choosing to show displeasure with a sort of calm admonishment that has those fearing her reprimand more than what a loud voice and raised hand could do.The rabbit woman is reserved in her emotions - as stated before, it is easier for her to take on other's problems than speaking about her own. It takes time for her to open up to someone completely; to show a vulnerability and trust only reserved for those who have earned it. Though often enough her ears will betray her - perking up when happy or excited, or flattening against her head when upset or even angry.
Cèlesse enjoys knitting, baking, shopping, and she can play a mean piano. She likes softer music, ballads, slower tempo tracks with a sprinkle of pop/bubblepop. She adores the color pink, not to be seen in anything that isn't a shade of the color.Attire wise, she loves furs, velvet and silk pieces trimmed in lace or frill. Dresses, sweaters, and skirts often fill her closet, along with pumps, stilettos and boots. She has a more mature sense of fashion with a hint of sensuality, unafriad to show off some skin.Being native French, Cèlesse has a very strong accent when she speaks English, and because it is her second language; she tends to sprinkle in French in conversation when she has trouble remembering English words or phrases.
Pink, small, and punctual,
Aromatic, low,
Covert in April,
Candid in May
A guide to the Blossom Hares
The Hanafelle - also nicknamed "Blossom Hares", are a race of human-rabbit hybrid people - not an uncommon mix, except for the peculiar flower blossoms that seem to grow in their hair and tails. The flowers that bloom depend on the region the Hanafelle belong to. More tropical flowers will be seen in warmer, humid climates, whilst flowers like pansies and snowdrops would be more common in colder climate regions.Because of their seemingly direct tie with nature, the Hanafelle exceed in nature magic - some more adept than others. Whilst one Hanefelle might only be able to grow small plants, another might be able to control a whole forest.The Hanafelle's life span is a long one, often living up to hundreds of years and physically aging slowly. A full grown hare will reach peak maturity physically in about 30 years compared to that of a standard human.They worship nature rather than a single deity, praying often to multiple spirits affiliated with different parts of nature. Even the Hanafelle that choose to live in urban parts of the world often still hold on to their ties with mother earth.Rather than a monolithic entity they answer to society wise, the Hanafelle are broken in to Clans depending on region and birth location. Each Clan has their "Clan Overseer". All clans are led by an elder Hanafelle. Overseers are always women as well. All clans do not live in forests or jungles - while there is some regions with clans that are less modern than others, there is plenty that do live in cities and towns/villages who live modern lives with modern jobs.
Views on Sexuality, Identity and reproduction
The Hanafelle are a free spirited race. There is no prejudice or hate when it comes to a being living as they choose - A hanafelle's identity is what they choose, whether that is how they were born or not. Nature is forever changing, adapting and thriving, and thus the rabbit people live the same. Love is love to them, and who chooses to love you is widely accepted in their society.Because the rabbits tend to age slower than most races, they often reproduce with many children in a "nest" so to speak. On average, mother rabbits will have 3-4 kids, sometimes more. Hanafelle can have children with outside species, resulting in half breeds - which is a little more controversial within their community.
Physical Attributes
As stated before, the Hanafelle have noticeably large rabbit ears atop their head, varying in length and fluffiness. Lined in rabbit fur, they tend to be incredibly soft and receptive. Some solid in fur color, others speckled, or a mix of tones. They also possess a rabbit tail, short and just as soft and fluffy as the ears. What differentiates them from other rabbit races is the fact flowers naturally grow from their hair and within their tails. Blossoms can vary in size, some appearing smaller and some appearing larger. Peculiar enough, the flowers do not seem to need watered, able to thrive as long as the Hanafelle remains alive.These flowers can be plucked, though it does leave behind a small sting, akin to one pulling a hair. They are often used in Healer medicine and recipes. It is said when a Hanafelle is close to their passing, the flowers will begin to wilt until they stop growing altogether.Hanafelle range in height and weight, there is not really an "average" build for them, from tall and willowy, to short and curvaceous. Despite this, most Hanafelle are agile, possessing speed and agility above that of an average human, as well as strength. They have a keen sense of hearing (of course), able to hear up to 1.8miles, and swivel their ears independently of each other to capture sounds from specific directions. Their sense of smell is up to 20x above the average human, able to detect scents of fellow rabbits and the like. Hanafelle have the standard set of human teeth, but instead of sharp incisors, theirs are square, akin to that of a rabbit's.Diet wise, Hanafelle are mainly herbivores - preferring vegetables, fruits, and nuts. They also enjoy dairy products, like cheeses and milk. This does not mean they cannot eat normal human cuisines, such as desserts or even meat if they choose, but are rather sustained best by a herbivore diet.
The Hanafelle were originally to be believed to have been a fae folk originating in parts of Europe - so driven by nature they are, they first populated only forested areas ripe with greenery and life. The Hanafelle also originally operated under a monarchy, their ‘main’ forested city belonging to an expanse of great forest called The Wildwood. It seemed to exist and not - uninvited guests would get lost in the great wood and lush flora, wandering in what seemed like circles until they would collapse and eventually die. This was the doing of the King - King Chrysanthemum. A great and powerful rabbit king with a firm grip on his power, there was no doubt as to why he led the Hanafelle from the throne of thorns within the Rose Palace.He was a fair ruler, one that listened to his people’s plights and helped where he could - but with every perfect seeming society, there is conflict and strife. Within communities and...aimed toward the Royal Family. Many did blame the royals for their struggles, the off balance of wealth between classes was a major issue, and those that believed the King did nothing to help the people, of course did talk.It is a burden on any man to bear the weight of ruling a people and trying to keep them all happy. Eventually..it became too much. King Chrysanthemum’s mind eventually seemed to snap, causing the king to go mad and believe everyone was plotting against him - including his wife and 2 kids. Of course there was nothing of the sort going on, but before anyone could properly react, the king had barred entrance to the Rose Palace, locking them all within it as he entrapped his family in flowery graves, effectively killing them.From there on out, the Wildwood and the surrounding areas under the King’s rule were ruled with cruelty and deranged logic. So much of a whisper the king did not like and one would be sent to their death - living got even worse under the Mad King’s Tyranny, so many began to flee the ruling lands in droves. Thus the Hanafelle’s current locations scattered throughout the ‘human’ realm as it were.King Chrysanthemum’s rule finally came to end when a resistance group managed to overthrow him. The Royal family’s riches were divided to begin rebuilding communities throughout the lands. With the king dead, the monarchy was abolished, and put in place was the idea of a sort of democracy, with leaders of each clan acting as representatives of the location, who in turn would appear at meetings to cast votes and create rules and policies. Every clan member is a woman, the communities deciding with the long, and terrifying reign under the former king, some changes were needed. The Hanafelle have been flourishing ever since, adapting themselves within the communities and societies they’ve chosen as their home - rather easy with how magical and supernatural the human realm tends to be.
Writer Info / Rules
• I go by Luce and I’m 27 years old, this account will container sexual themes and mature speech. I Will only roleplay romantic / explicit content with 18+ writers AND characters.
• All writing is welcome as long as it’s not gross (loli, shota, blacked, etc). I love both banter and longer threads! Please feel free to approach if you have an idea for our characters!
• I work full time and also do art commissions on the side, so sometimes my activity can be sparse. Please be patient with me.
• ALL ART IS EITHER DRAWN BY ME OR COMMISSIONED FOR MY OC. Please please do not take the art, not only do I put hours of work in to art for Cèlesse, I also have spent lots of money for these beautiful pieces of her.
• This account is multi ship and multiverse. I will ship Cèlesse with those I think she has good chemistry with, meaning building up a connection through interaction. I don’t have any qualms with writing lewd, but bear in mind unless they have a strong connection, it will be treated as casual hook ups.
Cherry Blossoms Bloom.
Cèlesse Jean-Marie Chandonnet was born several decades after the fall of the Mad King - gone was the monarchy reign and ushered a rebranded society for the Hanafelle. During the reign of King Chrysanthemum, Cèlesse’s family line had fled from the Wildwood, eventually taking shelter within what now would be France. There they managed to adapt themselves within the communities. Because Hanafelle are so well versed in flora and plant life, it was to no surprise a flower shop was opened. Professionally grown and decorated vases and bouquets and more helped to build the foundation of the Chandonnet family - chosen surname once they had migrated considering Hanafelle had no real need for them.Known for the dedication to their craft, the Chandonnet flower shop flourished until there was multiple shops set up across France, all family owned and operated considering the rabbit like people lived exceptionally long - to the point Cèlesse’s great grandparents were still alive and thriving as caretakers of one of the shops.Cèlesse is all but a babe compared to older individuals in her family line, having been born only 36 years ago. The rabbit was born in Bordeaux, France to Esmeè and Valmont Chandonnet, two loving parents of 5 children. Yes five. Cèlesse being the youngest and the only girl of the group - growing up in a household of four brothers and the youngest automatically designated her as the precious baby, their little flower with a group of overprotective, testosterone filled boys and two doting parents.While most would revel in being the metaphorical princess of the family, Cèlesse grew up with an adventurous streak, a dash of curiosity that had her testing the limits of the boundaries set forth by her parents. She wanted more than just to be the next one to inherit the shop when she was old enough, she wanted to see more than just the same city of Bordeaux, to see the world she often witnessed through the internet, different people and walks of life and culture. She lived for the wanderlust that burned through her veins - much to her parent’s chagrin. They had set forth their daughter’s life from the moment she was born, they figured she’d simply agree to the content life they’d planned for her.Cèlesse was not. It led to plenty of fights, nights spent arguing, pleads from the rabbit to let her flourish, and attend baking school to hone the love for baked goods and sweets she had picked up as a teenager on the first day of cooking class in school.As she grew older, the world grew crueler, more wild, and the very thought of their youngest - much less their only daughter out in the world petrified Esmeè and Valmont. Eventually they acquiesced - grudgingly of course. Cèlesse had one chance - if anything were to happen, she would be right back under the watchful gaze of her parents. Of course she took that as a challenge.First she attended baking school as planned, eventually graduating and with the help of her family, opening a small cafe called Cafe Lapin in Colmar. Completely unique it’s way design and presentation, it quickly became a hot spot for the younger crowds, enjoying the scenic and idyllic energy of the cafe, with its floral accents and pastel dream pantones.She now manages the busy little cafe with her small team of bakers, overseeing the menu for both desserts and drinks on a daily basis to make sure everything runs smoothly. Despite not being much of a fighter, Cèlesse also practices her magic in case of an emergency, a need to protect herself or those close around her - not that her brothers don’t have that covered. With how busy and popular the cafe is, the rabbit has all the latest gossip and information, often questioned by passing travelers and wanderers on her knowledge of the surrounding areas and what it holds.The rabbit’s life is exactly what she dreamed off, a small slice of her own part of the world that she worked for, eventually working toward traveling the world and seeing all it had to offer. But even the most quiet of lives have the biggest surprises in store…When a fellow rabbit bursts through the doors of your cafe one night before closing looking disheveled and downright petrified, you don’t ask too many questions until it’s safe.That’s exactly what happened - the poor girl was young, a teenager in Hanafelle years as she begged Cèlesse to help hide her, knees scraped from running and probably stumbling as well. Round, blue eyes were brimming with tears, and Cèlesse’s heart swelled three times its size. An instinct she naught knew she had over took her, kicking into action as she ushered the girl into the back of the cafe, and up the stairs to the attic. The girl babbled as they went, talking about how two men had attacked her, going on about wanting her head. A tick in the older rabbit’s jaw.It was no secret that Hanafelle were often hunted for their magical flowers - it was said that with the right mixture, and 3 flowers from a Hanafelle’s hair or tail would grant the user a near immortal lifespan. It was no surprise, attacks happened across the globe, rabbit hunters specializing in targeting rabbits they knew could not fight back - like this young one. Cèlesse was hardly a fighter, but her magic was strong enough to fight back, even if she was untrained.She promised the girl no harm would come to her as the older woman stepped out of the cafe - streets empty with how late it was, save for the two men taking notice and leering toward; eyes set on the flowing white hair and cherry blossoms that grew from it.One carried a blade, the other a gun. Delicate hands balled as Cèlesse’s anger rose, a sort of fury she wasn’t known to be capable of, a rage that washed over her and threatened to spill in anger.‘You will not hurt that child’. She’d vow, arms raising as vines shot from the cracks in the streets to wrap around the men like coiling serpents. Her training was minimal, but her control was exceptional, the vines coiling around the men’s weapons and flinging them high, over rooftops to disappear into the night sky. Now weaponless, the men could only stare wide eyed as the vines crept menacingly toward them, morphing before their eyes until man sized fly traps with teeth appeared, snapping menacingly in their direction. They turned tail and ran, amateurs who preyed on an individual they thought was weak.A breath the rabbit didn’t know she was holding exhaled as she crumpled to the ground; gazed and shocked to the core from the events that just transpired. She could’ve killed them if she wanted.The girl could only thank her over and over, Cèlesse allowing her to remain until she was calm enough to get her back to her parents.As rattling as it had been to face off against people line that for the first time, Cèlesse knew it had been justified, and it opened her eyes to the massive problem her kind faced with being hunted - and that she wanted to help.The motherly drive exploded into gear, the woman using some of the money she had put back to purchase an old chateau away from the city, renovating it so it may be a safe house for similar rabbits like the young girl - place there they would be away from prying eyes, away from those wanting to harm them until it was indeed safe.Those in need were like her children, and Cèlesse would be damned if she would let anything happen to them.